Little Splash Of Color

Everybody needs a little splash of color in their life. Feeling totally random? Great! Me too.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Who is Kyle XY? Um... I don't know entirely. But this weekend I've seen it written in the sky like five times, "Who is Kyle XY?" good advertising, cause now I'll probably watch that stupid show! The sky writer that did the one at the beach got the words all garbled and then I saw it again at Universal Studios in the sky, and over by the beach again.
Ahh, the pleasures of free time! Finally done studying for the night, enjoying that hour before bed but after everything important! And only three more school days, some more important tests then summer at last.
Listening to music is fun, like on the computer while doing stupid stuff like checking your blog, but not so fun when it's your little brother quoting TV commercials and singing "Luther Played The Boogie" or whatever that's called and "Monkeys Live On Mars!" a true original. Sigh.. well anyways I think that will be all,But I "can't hardly" wait to tell more facts of my exciting life, in quotes because according to my grammer review it is "a double negative that borders on the illiterate". Well I say perfect grammer is rediculous! (Unless of course you really need to know it for an important test!) But it ain't gonna change my ways! Haha. Here's a little something to gnaw on.

The Oasis

Worlds apart are my darkened corners
A place to hide and think
I sometimes wonder if I'm right
Life's so quick you cannot blink

To rest and escape from trivial perils
My sanctuary I find
The best retreat from summer heat
Are the pastures of my mind

Alright, well that's all so see ya in the funny pages!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Friday. Finally, it's almost summer. I still have a lot of things to do, but before I know it I'll be having lots of fun. I hope. I know I have more to say but... alas I am tired and honestly don't know what I'm doing on here, accept I still think that I'm just excited about having a blog.

Well good night several viewers and myself

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I'm back again on the same day, I just wanted to say that I'll start posting some poetry I've written lately on here soon. Actually here's a quick one now for you to enjoy.

Please Don't Forget The Sea

The bottom of the ocean is haggard.
The silent sky around it staggered.

She never knew that it would change,
Something so beautiful and so strange.

The clouds roll in with silent fog,
It blankets round the trembling moon.

The waves seem to shiver in the mists,
But the world is dead and so is this.

Involuntary, unrefined.
Turning slowly like the world.

Nothing's here.
It flew away.

The emptiness of another day.

A cavity of unknown shores,
An island of pity and remorse.

The bottom of the sea cannot stir.
She cannot speak, or run, or murmur.

Forsaken and forlorn,
Like an empty battle ground, war torn.

Please don't forget the sea.
She meant so very much to me.

Pieces of torn plastic float,
Like the men who used to ride in boats.

From a far off, vacant, twisted land,
A tired log sighs beneath the sand.

Who is this and where are you?
The lonely dangers of the blue.

Sometimes I wonder what will become of the sea one day, don't you? Or any of us for that matter... Anyway have a good night, um, someone!
Peace~Love~And Cats

Hello random person clicking on the wrong thing, friends I've bothered enough times to come here, and or other! This is my blog. Today I came on to check my email and to go to the "zone" aka that French site for the infamous "school" aka prison, anyway I thought why don't I make a blog, cause everybody has one it seems or if not their little myspace dealy, so I'll make a special cool blog for myself that no one will probably visit but what the heck so... here I am. Well before I go back to my surreal amount of homework, just wanted to welcome you, (if there is anyone in fact out there), and christen my blog with this post. I'm sixteen, I like writing, drawing, travelling, cats, WEEKENDS and many other things. I titled this "Little Splash Of Color" because that is what I try to be, givin' it some pizzaz! Of course I'm not as wierd in real life as this blog may be but the people who visit may know that. Or not. Alright I'm babbling. I'm sure I won't update this ALL the time but please stop by now and again and share your bizzareishness... (yeah didn't think that was a word)... Anyway back to the work... I'd talk more but then I'd be getting off topic and I already kinda am. Wow. Alright well goodbye for now. Y'all come back now, ya hear?